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Build Ionic Apps for Android

Welcome to Ionic Framework. This is cross mobile app development framework built with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Here we are going to learn about how to setup the project and build the application for the android devices. Ionic framework uses angular which provides excellent support the the application development.
Here is a list of tasks need to be performed for successfully building the app.
Install NodeJs...
How to make a container center both horizontally and vertically?

There are multiple ways of doing this.
1. Using Positions : We can use position relative and absolute.
Make the window or the wrapper container as relative and set width and height as 100%.
Make the inner div(which we need to place in the center) position absolute and all values as 0. Suppose the inner div is having id as 'centered-div'. Then our css would be.
#centered-div {
position: absolute;
Switching Edit and View mode for user data
We can edit and save user data and save the input from the user to the view.
Main container for the view.
Then we need to create a view and events for the view.
var ContactForm = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#contact-form-container', // Wrapper of the view
events: {
'click .edit-button': 'editForm', // Event for edit form
'click .save-button': 'saveForm', // Event for save form
View Template
Custom upload button using CSS
Sometimes the default file input element looks odd or sometimes the requirement will be different. Here are some techniques how we can customize the file input.

What is css reset ?
CSS Reset is nothing but a set of user defined css rules which over-rides the default rules of the web browsers.
Why we need?
There are number of web browsers and they render the elements differently. Default view of the document is different. You might have seen some elements like select buttons, input elements, tables behave differently in IE, Chrome and Mozilla. So our design will be different in these browsers....
Margin Collapse

Margin Collapse is not any CSS property but its a behaviour of block level elements. Top and bottom
margins of blocks are sometimes combined (collapsed) into a single
margin whose size is the largest of the margins combined into it, a
behavior known as margin collapsing.
In the
above example the first paragraph is having the margin bottom 20px and
second paragraph is having margin top 30px. So here the two margins will
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